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Congratulations Philip Awuni

Published: 07 Sep 2023
Philip Awuni

Philip Awuni is a graduating MPhil student from the Electrical Engineering Department at KNUST.

His research interests are renewable energy integration in the power system and optimisation.

During his MPhil project, he made significant strides in enhancing the predictive accuracy of the Nonlinear Grey Bernoulli Model. Through his research, he identified parameters within the model that could be fine-tuned to improve its precision. This newly found accuracy was then applied to forecast the deployment of Photovoltaic systems, offering valuable insights for policymakers and utility providers as they plan for the power system's future.

KEEP has been instrumental in his academic success by providing financial support and internship opportunities. He is very grateful for the mentorship, encouragement and training he received from the staff and management of KEEP.

As he embarks on the next chapter of his life, he envisions a career in the industry and later aims to pursue a PhD in Electrical Engineering. He seeks to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering innovation within his field.