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Congratulations Rejoice Ntiriwaa Ossei-Bremang

Published: 30 Aug 2023
Rejoice Ntiriwaa Ossei-Bremang

Rejoice Ntiriwaa Ossei-Bremang is a graduating Ph.D. student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KNUST.

Her research interests are clean cooking, waste-to-energy, bioenergy, and energy access.
Her research at the Ph.D. level was focused on developing integrated model-based frameworks for clean cooking uptake: Optimising Waste-Based Charcoal Briquette Quality.

This ensures that the clean cooking solutions address the ergonomic, design, safety, and cooking needs of Food Processing Small and Medium Enterprises. The framework also highlighted the need to implement industrial symbiosis and circular economy within their value chain to manage the waste generated sustainably.

KEEP has contributed immensely to her field of research, which has improved her academic and research career.
As she starts a new phase, she hopes to explore more in her field of research and contribute significantly to solving the cooking energy poverty crisis in Ghana and the global south.