On Tuesday the 28th of June 2022, Ing. Kwaku Boadu Esq. paid a visit to his Alma Mater, the College of Engineering. He made a presentation of his MPhil thesis now published as a book to the Provost of the College (Professor Mark Adom -Asamoah), and the Dean of Computer and Electrical Engineering (Professor Rahman). Also present were his wife Mrs. Nana Aba Boadu (a final year PhD student of Gender Studies at the University of Ghana (UG)), Dr. Daniel Opoku (a lecturer at the Electrical Engineering Department and Officer in charge of Industrial Presentations), Professor Kwadwo Biritwum Nyarko (Lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department and Project Lead for KEEP).
Ing. Boadu read Computer Science (at the College of Science formerly Faculty of Science) for his undergraduate studies and chose to veer into the Engineering field for his postgraduate MPhil studies, a feat not so common in the Ghanaian educational system. His MPhil research work focused on Adaptive Control of Alumina Concentration in the Hall-Héroult Cell using Neural Network. His thesis has been turned into a book titled Machine learning in aluminum reduction by Lambert Publishing (A German publishing Company) of their own accord. His thesis, written and completed in 1997 was and still is futuristic and therefore globally relevant, given recent developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Ing. Boadu Esq. practiced engineering for 24 years at VALCO, Ghana, and Kaiser Aluminum, USA respectively, and retired at the young age of 45 and now lectures at the Law Faculty, UG, Legon